Comparison of Moldova Education System Before and After USSR

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Moldova, Soviet, Moldovan education system, Soviet education system


In this study, Moldovan education system (MES) is analyzed. The Moldovan education system is analyzed by comparing two periods in the study: Soviet and post-Soviet times.

MES was a part of the Soviet education system during the Soviet times. For this reason, it had the general characteristics of the Soviet mode of production and ideology. In particular, the educational group known as Gimnazi, which constituted the grades 5-9, was organized as a polytechnic school and focused on vocational education. High schools and universities also emphasized vocational education. During this period, Soviet ideology dominated ideologically. The compulsory language lesson was Russian.

On the other hand, MES was restructured after independence. A Western-style system was introduced. However, the Soviet structure did not disappear completely. Polytechnic schools were abolished. Romanian became the compulsory language instead of Russian. Yet, Russian continued to be the language of education in Gagauzia, but Romanian was included among the compulsory courses as it was the official language. When the education system of the Soviet period and the independence period are compared, it becomes clear that there are major differences both ideologically and operationally.


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How to Cite

Can, T., & Yıldırım, Y. (2024). Comparison of Moldova Education System Before and After USSR. Toplum Ve Kimlik Dergisi, 1(1), 93–109.