Natıonal Identıty in Kosovo: Albanıan or Kosovan?

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In the study of nationalism, it is debated whether the nation builds the state or the state builds the nation. Two approaches are important in theory. The first is the French model (civic nation). According to this model, the state builds the nation. The other is the German model (ethnic nation). In this model, an ethnic structure with common values forms a nation, and this nation establishes a state. Kosovo is a country where ethnic Albanians live. It gained its independence after the war with the Serbs. NATO intervened and has beenremaining the protective power of the country. Therefore, the state of Kosovo was both built on an ethnic structure and people within the borders of the established state were defined as a nation. This study discusses whether the people of Kosovo are Albanian or Kosovan. The study uses a qualitative research method. A conclusion has been drawn from the discussions in the literature.

Keywords: Kosovo, Kosovar, Albanian, Nationalism, Nation, Identity.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Akpınar, Ömer. (2025). Natıonal Identıty in Kosovo: Albanıan or Kosovan?. Toplum Ve Kimlik Dergisi, 2(1), 120–131.