Instructions for Authors

Authors who submit articles to Journal of Society and Identity and referees who evaluate the article are deemed to have accepted the writing rules of the journal. Authors are obliged to prepare and edit their articles according to the journal's writing rules.

Manuscripts that do not comply with the spelling rules listed below are returned to the author to be prepared in accordance with the specified template.

  • Journal of Society and Identity publishes studies in Turkish and English. Articles should be written in accordance with the grammatical rules of the language in which they are written. In Turkish written and abbreviated works, the authors should use the spelling guide by the Turkish Language Association (TDK) main as reference.
  • In accordance with the rules of the double-blind referee system, the text of the article sent to the journal should not contain any information about the author(s) nor any information that would give idea about the identity of the author(s).
  • Manuscripts to be sent to the journal must be prepared in Times New Roman and 12-points fonts.
  • The title of the article should not exceed 15 words.
  • The title of the article should be written in 12-point font size, bold and capital letters, centered.
  • The name and surname of the author(s) should be written in 10-point boldface, right-aligned, with only the first letter of the name capitalized, the others lowercase, and all letters of the surname capitalized.
  • More than one article by the same author cannot be included in the same issue.
  • The information of the author(s) should be included in the footnote by placing an * at the end of their surname. The author's title, university, department, e-mail address and ORCID number should be written in 10 font size, respectively. The author's link on the ORCID page should be assigned to the icon next to his/her name with a hyperlink.
  • In all articles submitted to the journal, the article title, abstract and keywords must be included in both Turkish and English on the first page of the article. These sections must be identical in both languages.
  • In Turkish articles, the Turkish abstract should precced English abstract. In English articles, the reverse order should be applied.
  • Keywords should consist of at least 5 and at most 7 words.
  • The first letters of all keywords (including the first keyword), except special names, should be written in lowercase letters.
  • The abstract should be written between 150 and 250 words.
  • In the abstract section, the aim, method, basic findings and the results of the study should be stated.
  • Statements that require footnotes and references should not be included in the abstract section.
  • Articles submitted to the journal should not exceed 12,000 words including footnotes, references, bibliography etc.
  • It should be prepared on A4 size paper, with 2.5 cm margins from the bottom and top, and 2.5 cm from the right and left, aligned on both sides, 1.5 line spacing and in a single column.
  • Paragraph headings should start without indentation.
  • The subject headings in the article should be numbered sequentially, after the Introduction, such as 1., 2., 3., …, and the subheadings should be as 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., … 2.1., 2.2., 2.3., … and so on.
  • Words belonging to foreign languages ​​in studies written in Turkish should be given in italics.
  • Figures and Tables should be given within the text.
  • Figure numbers should be given as Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, … etc. It should be placed under the figure in bold letters and 10-point size.
  • The titles of the figures should be written in 10-point size after the figure number is stated.
  • Texts inside the figures should be 10-point size.
  • Table numbers should be given as Table 1, Table 2, Table 3… etc. It should be placed above the table in bold letters and 12-point size.
  • The table title should be written in 12-point size after the table number is given.
  • Texts in the table must be in 12-point size.
  • The sources used in creating figures and tables must be stated in the bibliography.
  • Every source cited in the text must be included in the bibliography, and every source in the bibliography must be cited within the text.
  • After the study is accepted for publication, the primary responsibility for eliminating the problems and deficiencies identified during the preparation of the manuscript for publication belongs to the author.
  • Manuscripts that have been typeset for publication are sent to the authors for final review.

The authors are expected to submit the revised manuscript to the editor within one week at the latest. The work that is not returned within the deadline will be archived. Only formal changes are allowed at the final review stage. At this stage, changes that will affect the content of the study are not allowed. If such changes are made by the author, the editor has the authority to re-send the changed version of the manuscript for referee evaluation.

Citation Style

Footnotes are not used in articles. If the author wants to make additional explanations, he/she should give that explanation at the end of the article using an endnote.

Citations should be indicated within the text using parentheses. APA Method (APA 6) should be used when citing and arranging bibliography. (

Citations within Text:

In Studies with Single Author:

… (Kara, 2019: 100)

According to Kara (2024: 100)…

In Studies with Two Authors:

… (Tarhan and Toprak, 1996: 25).

According to Tarhan and Toprak (1996: 25).

In Studies with Three Authors:

When citing for the first time, all authors' names are listed

… (Tarhan, Toprak and Kara, 1996: 212).

In subsequent citations to the same source, only the first author's name is written and "others" is used for other authors.

… (Tarhan, and others, 1996: 212).

In Studies with Four or More Authors:

Only the first author's name is written and other authors are written as "others".

… (Tarhan, and others, 1996: 212).

If the author is an organization or institution:

… (TUBITAK, 2024: 22).

When more than one work is cited in the same brackets:

The works should be arranged in alphabetical order and separated with semicolons.

(Tarhan and Toprak, 2019: 17; Yılmaz, and others, 2022: 43; Kara, 2024: 12).

When citing authors with the same surname, the first letter of the author's name should also be written:

… (S. Kara, 2021: 25; F. Kara, 2024: 56).

For references to two or more works of the same author published in the same year, the letters a, b, c, d should be used after the year:

… (Kara, 2024a: 285). … (Kara, 2024b: 236). … (Kara, 2024c: 147).

Reference to Internet Resources:

Sources with known author and publication date are cited in the format (Surname, Year).

… (Tarhan, 2019).

Sources with unknown authors in internet are cited in the format (Website Name, Year),

… (BBC, 2024).

In the form of internet sources whose author and publication date are not definite and certain (Website name, n.d.),

… (TBMM, n.d.).

The access link to these sources should be shown in the Bibliography, not in-text citation.

The sources cited and whose publication date is unknown are used with the expression (n.d.), means "no date".

….(Kara, n.d.).

Studies carried out via face to face, letter or e-mail interviews should be shown in the bibliography by writing the name of the contacted person, the name of interviewer and the date of the interview.

… (H. Kaya, interviewer’s name, 6 July 2024).

Citations in Bibliography/References:

Books with a Single Author:

Surname, First Letter of Name. (Year). Book Title Italic. City: Publishing House.

Kara, C. (2019). Introduction to Political Thoughts. Istanbul: Der Publications.

Books with Two or More Authors:

Danka, S., Danovan, B., and Anita, J. (2000). Confucianism in Action. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Edited Book:

Editor's Surname, First Letter of his/her Name. (Ed.). (Year). Book Title Italic. City: Publishing House.

Demir, K. (Ed.). (2023). Entrepreneurship. Ankara: Gema Publishing.

Book Chapter:

Surname, First Name. (Year). Title of the Chapter in quotes, Name and surname of the Editor, Book Title Italic (page interval). City: Publishing House.

Fraser, M. (2017), “Engineering Education in German”, in H. Lish, The Engineering Mission in America and Europe: A First Assessment (pp. 10-30), Madison and Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press.

Magazine Article:

Surname, First Name. (Year). Title of the Article. Journal Name, Volume (No), page range. doi:xxx xxx xxx

Akturk, C. (2008). Civilization and Society. Journal of Academic Thought, 2(5), 88-92. doi: 528459779391452

Use of Footnotes and Endnotes:

Since our journal accepts articles in APA writing style, it does not prefer the usage of footnotes and endnotes. The journal only accepts the use of endnotes in cases where special explanation is required in articles. Endnotes should be written in 10- point font size.

APA recommends using "&" instead of "and" in citations and bibliography. This rule should be applied in studies conducted in English.

However, according to Turkish grammar and spelling rules, the symbol "&" is not used instead of "and". For this reason, the "&" symbol should not be used in citations and bibliography in texts written in Turkish.

When citing texts with more than three authors, "others" (Kara and others, 2006) should be used.

But in Turkish writings it is written as "vd." instead of "others" (Kara, vd., 2006).