Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Publication Principles

Articles sent to Journal of Society and Identity for publication must not have been previously published in another journal, have not been sent to any other journal at the same time, or have not been accepted for publication. All ethical responsibilities regarding the article sent to the journal belong to the authors of the study.

The evaluation and publication process of the articles sent to the journal for publication consists of three stages:

In the first stage, a preliminary evaluation is made on the work. All incoming articles are pre-evaluated by the editor and field editors. This period is at most two weeks. Manuscripts that do not comply with the publication policy of the journal may be rejected directly or sent back to the author to be adapted to the publication rules.

The second stage is the referee evaluation stage. Articles deemed suitable for the publication purpose of the journal are taken into the blind referee evaluation process and sent to at least two referees. The referee evaluation process can take up to two months. The arbitration of the referees who do not submit their report within this period will be terminated by notifying them. If one of the referees gives a negative report, the article is sent to the third referee. The time spent here may be a month at most. If the third referee also gives a negative report, the editor makes the decision about the publication status of the article. If both referees give a negative report, the manuscript will not be published.

The third stage is the preparation of the study for publication. Articles that pass the evaluation process are published online after receiving the approval of the author or authors, typesetting in accordance with the journal template, in the issue appropriate to the journal publication period.

The editor has the authority to suggest corrections and changes that he/she deems necessary during the preparation of the articles sent to the journal for publication in line with the comments and suggestions of the referees. The editor has authority also to reject or approve the article in any process.

 The author has the right to withdraw his article at all stages.

Ethical Principles

Journal of Society and Identity follows international publishing ethics guidelines. All parties involved in the publication process, including publishers, editors, referees, and authors, must agree on the expected ethical conduct standards. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) have published ethical publishing guidelines, and Journal of Society and Identity requires all parties to bear the following ethical obligations in this context.

Responsibilities of Editor

  • The editor has full responsibility and authority to accept or reject an article.
  • The editor is responsible for the total quality of the content and publication.
  • The editor should not have a conflict of interest regarding accepted or rejected articles.
  • The editor does not allow any conflicts of interest between authors and referees and has full authority to appoint an objective referee.
  • While deciding whether to accept or reject an article submitted for publication, the editor should take into account the principles such as the importance of the study, its originality, clarity, validity, and the journal's suitability to the subject area.
  • Editor is obliged to make the final decision on the articles to be published in the journal.
  • Articles submitted to the journal should be evaluated in accordance with clear, transparent, scientific and objective criteria without any prejudice.
  • The editor evaluates the articles independent of the authors' ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religious belief and political choices. It ensures that the articles submitted for publication are fairly double-sided blind peer review.
  • The editor guarantees that all information regarding the submitted articles will remain confidential until the article is published.
  • The editor should not hesitate to issue corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when it is necessary.

Responsibilities of referees

One of the most critical factors for success in scientific and academic publishing is how well the refereeing process works. The refereeing method is something that Journal of Society and Identity is dedicated to protecting and improving.

Referees are responsible for adhering to the following ethical principles:

  • A referee who does not find the work being assessed relevant to his/her profession or is unable to provide timely criticism should return the article to the editor.
  • Referees should make an academic assessment based solely on the text and refrain from making comments about the author/authors' incompetence or that would harm their reputation.
  • The texts evaluated by the referees should be classified as confidential documents, thus they should not be shown to anyone else.
  • Referees should look for related published work that the author hasn't identified. A referee may also alert the editor to a significant resemblance or overlap between the reviewed work and another previously published work that they are familiar with.
  • Referees should avoid evaluating studies in which the author has a conflict of interest due to a competition, partnership, or other relationship. There should be no conflicts of interest with referees, authors, funders, editors, and others.
  • Referees should be able to assist editors in making decisions and authors in developing their texts.

Responsibilities of authors

By submitting their articles to Journal of Society and Identity, authors agree to comply with the following ethical principles.

  • All texts submitted to the journal must be original, and authors must guarantee that their work has never been published before.
  • The authors are responsible for the papers' adherence to scientific and ethical standards.
  • The authors guarantee that the article is unique, that it has not been published previously, and that it is not currently being considered for publication by another journal or in another language.
  • Copyright laws and agreements should be followed. The use of corresponding resources (e.g., tables, statistics, or broad quotations) should be done with the appropriate permission and acknowledgement.
  • All resources included in the article should be referenced, and the bibliography section should contain all works cited in the text.
  • In the papers written by more than one author, all authors must make a clear scholarly and scientific contribution. The writers should decide on the order of their names together. The Copyright Transfer Form which must be signed by all authors in the order they appear in the journal must be submitted to the system.
  • All individuals who contributed to the study but did not meet the authorship requirements should be identified in the "acknowledgements / facts" section. People that only offer technical support, writing assistance, or general financial and material support are examples of this.
  • The data used in the analysis should be meticulously presented in the report. False and fraudulent claims can never be used because they can lead to immoral circumstances.
  • Authors are required to adhere to the journal's spelling guidelines. In this case, the referee should respond to the field editor's and the editor in chief’s requests for changes in a timely and careful manner.
  • All details and documentation requested by the journal's editor as well as any requested changes to the paper must be completed within 15 days at the latest and submitted via the system with the editor being notified. If these demands are not met within the time frame, the article will be rejected.
  • When an author discovers a major error or inaccuracy in his or her published manuscript, he or she is responsible for contacting and cooperating with the publisher as soon as possible to get the error or inaccuracy corrected or retracted.