The Science of Science or Pierre Bourdieu's Sociology of Science

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This article focuses mainly on French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu's contributions to the sociology of science. It will try to understand how Bourdieu, who blends the French historical epistemological background with his sociological perspective, transforms the scientific field into sociological and historical research without falling into relativism. In order to understand Bourdieu's contributions to the sociology of science, the main currents in the sociology of science should first be analyzed. In this respect, first, as an example of the positivist tradition, Karl Robert Merton's structuralist-functionalist understanding of the sociology of science will be analyzed. Secondly, “strong program” and “actor-network theory” will be discussed as examples of constructivist traditions. Subsequently, Bourdieu's criticisms of previous approaches will be discussed. The focus will be on how Bourdieu puts his sociological tools (“field,” “habitus,” “capital”) to work in the sociology of science and the concept of “reflexivity” and the strategy of “rational realpolitik,” which he sees as the only option to get rid of the fact that science is a constructed social phenomenon.

Keywords: Politics, power, authority, religion, obedience, religion-power relationship.


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How to Cite

Etil, H., & Demir, V. M. (2025). The Science of Science or Pierre Bourdieu’s Sociology of Science. Toplum Ve Kimlik Dergisi, 2(1), 1–32.