The Political Anatomy of Turkish Society in the Context of Worl Value Survey

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Since the 1960s, the World Value Survey (WVS) has institutionalized value-based research on voter behavior and socio-cultural and political identity patterns of societies. Research conducted regularly within the WVS has shown that political identities are not pure and that values, rather than political identities, better portray an individual's political behavior. This study aims to create a political anatomy of Turkish society by questioning the political values of Turkish society through political views, religious values, and leader profiles within the scope of the data obtained from the WVS.

The data obtained from the WVS revealed that Turkish society holds more right-wing political values than left-wing political values. The importance given to religion, which is assumed to nourish this value, was accepted to a great extent, although not to the same extent for all right-wing participants. On the other hand, the rate of fulfillment of religious practices was lower than the importance attached to worship. The political values of the participants were analyzed based on the leader profile, and it turns out that the participants who adopted a right-wing political view preferred a leader independent of the checks and balances mechanisms.

Keywords: World values survey, political behavior, political identity, values, ideology.



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How to Cite

Yildiz, M. (2025). The Political Anatomy of Turkish Society in the Context of Worl Value Survey. Toplum Ve Kimlik Dergisi, 2(1), 132–146.