Call for Papers
Society and Identity Journal is accepting articles for its July 2025 issue.
Assoc. Prof. Fatma İlknur Akgül
She completed her Ph.D. at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Department of Political Science and International Relations. She received the title of Associate Professor in the same field in 2023. She conducts academic studies in the fields of political systems, elections and voting behavior, women and politics, political psychology, social movements, gender, and identity, and has published works in these fields. Apart from these, Akgül also continues her studies in the field of English Language and Literature and continues to give lectures at various universities.
Assistant Editor
Derya Kahraman, Kırıkkale University
She graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Sociology at Yozgat Bozok University in 2019. She then completed his master's degree in the same department and is currently pursuing his doctoral studies in the Department of Sociology. Her master's thesis was designed in the field of political sociology. She continues his academic work in the fields of the sociology of religion and the sociology of culture.
Field Editor
Prof. Dr. Ömer Çaha
After completing his undergraduate degree at Middle East Technical University, Department of Sociology, in 1989, he completed his master's and Ph.D. studies at Bilkent University, Department of Political Science in 1993. He worked as an instructor and administrator at various universities. He still works as a lecturer at Istanbul Ticaret University, Department of Political Science and International Relations. Çaha's studies generally focus on subjects such as civil society, democracy, political thought, religion and politics, women and politics, and political parties, and he has written many books and articles on these subjects in English and Turkish.
Field Editor
Assoc. Prof. Akif Çarkçı
He completed his Ph.D. at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Department of Political Science and International Relations. He received the title of Associate Professor in the field of Political Science in 2023. He carries out academic studies in the fields of Turkish political life, political institutions, history of political ideas and local politics and has published many works in these fields. He has authored about 11 books. Çarkçı is currently a lecturer at Department of Political Science at Düzce University.
Field Editor
Dr. Ömer Akpınar
Akpınar, who works as a school principal at the Ministry of National Education, completed his Ph.D. in Political Science and International Relations at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University on post-Soviet identity construction in Moldova. He continues his studies on the former Soviet Republics, Baltic, Balkan, and Eastern European countries. He has a book and a number of articles on these issues.
Field Editor
Dr. Cansu Kaymal
She received her Ph.D. in Kocaeli University, Institute of Social Sciences, Political Science and Public Administration program in 2024. She has been a research assistant at Kocaeli University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Politics and Social Sciences since 2019. She continues her studies in areas such as political thoughts, political philosophy, political ideologies, popular culture, and Turkish political life.
Field Editor
Dr. H. Neslihan Demiriz
She completed her undergraduate education at Ankara University, Department of English Language and Literature. She completed her master's degree in the Department of Higher Education Research at Sakarya University in 2014 and her Ph.D. in the Department of Turkish Education at the same university in 2022. She has been working as a faculty member at Istanbul Topkapı University since 2023. She has studies on teaching of Turkish for foreign students, instructor competence, pedagogical content knowledge, bilingualism/multilingualism, and medieval education. She has a number of works on these issues.
Field Editor
Mine Etil, Araştırmacı/Yazar
She graduated from Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of History, in 2011 and completed her master's degree at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University. She has worked as a reporter, copywriter, political consultant, and editor in various institutions and agencies. Her articles were published in various newspapers, magazines, and books. Her academic fields of study include state, politics, and bureaucracy in Turkey, modern Turkish history, women's movements in the Tanzimat period, late Ottoman art and culture studies, social movements in Turkey, and Turkish foreign policy.
Pınar Kosovalı
She graduated from Department of Economics of Anadolu University in 2013. She completed her Master of Business Administration at Istanbul Ticaret University in 2017. In her MA thesis, she investigated the effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment.
Prof. Dr. Ömer Çaha, İstanbul Ticaret University
Prof. Dr. Alim Yılmaz, İstanbul Medeniyet University
Assoc. Prof. Fatma İlknur Akgül, Author and Research
Dr. Ömer Akpınar, Ministry of National Education
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Cansu Kaymal, Kocaeli University
Merve Acar, Author, and Research
Mine Etil, Author, and Research
Prof. Dr. Adem Çaylak, Kocaeli University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Adem Koç, Universitatea din Stat din Moldova, Moldova
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kemal Bayram, Marmara University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Engin Şahin, Doğuş University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Erhan İçener, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Ertan Özensel, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Kyrgyzstan
Prof. Dr. Kenan Aydın, İstanbul Gelişim University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Meral Uzunöz, Yıldız Teknik University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Metin Boşnak, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Mevludin Ibish, International Balkan University, North Macedonia
Prof. Dr. Michelangelo Guida, İstanbul 29 Mayıs University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Nasuh Uslu, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Kyrgyzstan
Prof. Dr. Özcan Sezer, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Yılmaz Bingöl, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Zeyneb Çağlıyan İçener, İstanbul Ticaret University, Türkiye
Assoc. Prof. Elif Kıran, Arizona State University, United States
Assoc. Prof. Handan Karakaya, Fırat University, Türkiye
Assoc. Prof. Ömer Baykal, Bartın University, Türkiye
Assoc. Prof. Zeynep Banu Dalaman, İstanbul Topkapı University, Türkiye
Dr. Abdullah Jurat, Cal Poly Humboldt State University, United States
Dr. Öğr. Gör. Ayfer Erdoğan Şafak, Yıldız Teknik University, Türkiye
Dr. Calvince Omondi Barack, Mesano University, Kenya
Dr. Hiba Nur Karadağ, Istanbul Ticaret University, Türkiye
Dr. Kudret Safa Gümüş, Universitate de Stat din Comrat, Moldova
Dr. Mehmet Mazhar Yıldız, Dicle University, Türkiye
Dr. Özlem İngün Karkış, Doğuş University, Türkiye
Dr. Yıldırım Erbaş, İstanbul Rumeli University, Türkiye
Aygun Muradli Huseynaga, Azerbaijan University , Azerbaijan
Gurur Gülce Beşe, İstanbul Medipol University, Türkiye
Hüseyin Etil, İstanbul Science and Art Foundation, Türkiye
Society and Identity Journal is accepting articles for its July 2025 issue.
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